Department of Radiology,
Kyung Hee University
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논문게재 > 강동경희대학병원 목록

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논문게재 > 강동경희대학병원 목록
국내/외급 논문분류 연구자 발표지
Retrosternal hematoma in sternal fracture for prediction of concomitant inj… 인기글 Acta Radiologica
SCI Original Article Ye Na Son, Jung Im Kim, Han Na Lee, So Youn Shin 2021;():-
Correlation between gray matter volume loss followed by aneurysmal subarach… 인기글 Neuroradiology
SCI Original Article Geon Yang Lee, Chang-Woo Ryu , Hak Cheol Ko, Geon-Ho Jahng 2020;62():1401-1409
Low-frequency dominant electrical conductivity imaging of in vivo human bra… 인기글 NeuroImage
SCI Original Article Geon-HoJahng, Mun BaeLee, Hyung Joong Kim, Eung Je Woo, Oh-InKwon 2021;225():117466-
Changes in Microvascular Morphology in Subcortical Vascular Dementia: A Stu… 인기글 Frontier in neurology
SCI Original Article Hyeon-Il Choi, Chang-Woo Ryu, Songvin Kim, Hak Young Rhee, Geon-Ho Jahng 2020;11():1302-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Historical Overview, Technical Developments, an… 인기글 Prog Med Phys.
학진등재 Original Article Jahng GH, Park S, Ryu CW, Cho ZH 2020;31(3):35-53
Diagnostic Performance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detecting Meniscal… 인기글 The American Journal of Sports Medicine
기타 Original Article Boyeon Koo , Sun Hwa Lee , Seong Jong Yun , Jae Gwang Song 2020;48(8):2051-2059
Testicular Atrophy After Mumps Orchitis: Ultrasonographic Findings 인기글 Ultrasonography
학진등재 Original Article Hyeon-Il Choi, Dal Mo Yang, Hyun Cheol Kim, Sang Won Kim, Hyun Seok Jeong, Sung Kyung Moon , Joo Won Lim 2020;39(3):266-271
Combined CT Texture Analysis and Nodal Axial Ratio for Detection of Nodal M… 인기글 British Institute of Radiology
SCI Original Article Han Na Lee , Jung Im Kim , So Youn Shin , Dae Hyun Kim , Chanwoo Kim , Il Ki Hong 2020;93(1111):-
Measurement accuracy of lung nodule volumetry in a phantom study Effect of… 인기글 Medicine
SCI Original Article Han Na Lee, Jung Im Kim, So Youn Shin 2020;99(23):-
Coexisting active pulmonary tuberculosis in tuberculous spondylitis: the pr… 인기글 J Thorac Dis.
SCIE 기타 Shim EJ, Shin SY, Seo M, Lee SH, Kim JI, Lee HN 2020;12(4):1635-1638
Development and Validation of a Deep Learning-based Automatic Detection Alg… 인기글 Clin Infect Dis .
기타 Original Article Eui Jin Hwang, Sunggyun Park, Kwang-Nam Jin, Jung Im Kim, So Young Choi, Jong Hyuk Lee, Jin Mo Goo, Jaehong Aum, Jae-Joon Yim, Chang Min Park, Deep Learning-Based Automatic Detection Algorithm Development and Evaluation Group 2019;69(5):739-747
The prevalence of Baker cyst in relation to the arrangement pattern between… 인기글 European radiology
SCI Original Article Dong Yoon Han, Kyung Nam Ryu, Ji Seon Park, Wook Jin, So Young Park & Seong Jong Yun 2020;30(3):1544-1553
Groin abnormalities: ultrasonographic and clinical findings 인기글 Ultrasonography
SCIE Pictorial Essay Dal Mo Yang, Hyun Cheol Kim, Sang Won Kim, and Kyu Yeoun Won 2020;39(2):166-177
Diagnostic performance of ankle ultrasound for diagnosing anterior talofibu… 인기글 Acta Radiol
SCI Review Seok H, Lee SH, Yun SJ 2020;61(5):651-661
Expression of Beclin-1, an autophagy-related protein, is associated with tu… 인기글 Pathol Res Pract
SCI Original Article Song MJ, Park S, Won KY 2020;216(5):-152927